August 2011
Volume XII, Issue III
From the editor's desk

Dear Readers,
Darshan greetings to all!

The Mother once said this of progress in the context of institutions and organizations: "No institution can live unless it is progressive. The true progress is to come always closer to the Divine." (CWM, 15, p. 77) Over the years, several works have come out exploring the significance of the Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's work and vision in the field of organizational management. With a humble intention to contribute to this ongoing work, last semester we introduced an online course on Integral Management at SACAR. Anurag Banerjee facilitated the course and led a small group of learners through discussions on various relevant topics. The feature article in the present issue gives us a glimpse of selected exchanges from this recently completed course, specifically focusing on the topic of leadership. We hope that readers will appreciate the way in which these discussions weave together some of the contemporary perspectives on the topic of leadership with insights that can be culled from the works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.

The other two articles in this issue are selections from the essays submitted by the participants of the first SACAR-IGNOU symposium held in October 2010. This symposium had the special theme of "Integral Philosophy, Yoga-Psychology and Management". The essay on Individual and Corporate Well-being is directly related to the field of Integral Management, and in a surprisingly simple manner presents us with a fundamental programme of wellness appropriate for the individual and collective growth. The essay on Aspiration Leading to Surrender – A Practical Approach speaks of two key foundational principles of Integral Yoga, which must be the basis for all true progress, both on the individual as well as organizational level as far as Integral Management is concerned.

We hope our readers will enjoy this special issue on Integral Management.
Till next time….


From the editor's desk
On Personnel Management
Some Words of Advice from
The Mother
Understanding Leadership in the Light of Sri Aurobindo: Excerpts Of Discussions from an Online Course on Integral ManagementFacilitator: Anurag Banerjee
Learners: Gunwant Aggarwal, Rahul Sridhar, Parul Mohan
Individual and Corporate Well-Being - Deepali Gupta
Aspiration Leading to Surrender: A Practical Approach –Prabhjot Kulkarni